Continental ProContact RX SSR
The ProContact™ RX is an all-season touring tire that comes as original equipment on many sophisticated coupes and luxury performance sedans. An all-season touring tire with excellent traction and braking in dry and wet conditions, balanced with superb fuel efficiency and a quiet, comfortable ride. The unique tread design produces impressive traction performance along with solid sterring stability and handling. This tread technology also gives the ProContact™ RX outstanding fuel-effiency and a quiet, comfortable ride, making it highly balanced choice for those who don't wish to compromise performance for comfort and savings.
Continental SSR Tires - SSR stands for SelfSupportingRunflat Tire
The SSR principle:
Unlike conventional tires, the SSR principle is based on a reinforced self-supporting sidewall. This prevents the inside of the tire from getting pinched between the road and the rim and from slipping into the rim well in the event of a loss of inflation. The SSR's reinforced sidewall enables the car to continue on its way at a maximum speed of 80 km/h (50 mph) for up to 80 km (50 miles), depending on road conditions and vehicle weight.
SSR runflat tires offer crucial advantages
With SSR tires you remain mobile in the event of a flat tire. You can reach your destination or tire service facility without the bother of having to replace a flat tire with the spare tire. Compatible with standard rims. Simple mounting. Saves room and weight, and thus fuel, giving you as much as 3 cubic feet more cargo area.